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Dear Miss and Mrs. H, I love your blog! Its nice to get two completley different opinions on one subject. I have a couple questions for you both and then need some advice. Well I am a Housewife mysel ...

Have a question for Mrs. Housewife? Ask me here and I will do my very best to help you. Thank you for stopping by. xo ...

Have a question for Miss Heartbreaker? Ask me here and I will gladly answer your questions. Remember, I will tell it how it is, so don't ask unless you REALLY want to know what I think! ...

Tell us a bit about You, and let us know why you love (or hate) being a Heartbreaker. ...

Hi there Dolls, I just got done putting the children to bed for the night. Fed the husband, made a little love, and took a bubble bath! I lathered up my body with a Gardenia lotion and have thrown on ...